This site maintained by a learner of Sanskrit language is meant to help other learners of Sanskrit.
This does not provide any help in learning the script used for Sanskrit, which is called "devanaagaree". It only tries to help those who know the script and who are learning Sanskrit.
As a first step we provide
1. A compilation of declension tables for nouns in Sanskrit.
2. Some characteristics of Sanskrit.
3. A compilation of conjugation tables for verbs in Sanskrit
4. Lesson No.1 of an E-mail based free Sanskrit Course.[New]
5. A computer program that gives the output as per Sanskrit Sandhi Rules when two Sanskrit words are input in Roman Script as per Baraha transliteration scheme. [New]
6. Conjugation tables of some frequently encountered verbs of the second group (अदादि गण ) have been added. [15-08-2010]
7. My blog in Sanskrit at http://simplesanskrit.blogspot.com/ recent[20-03-2011]
8. My Sans-Eng blog providing translation in English for Sanskrit classical texts at http://gssmurthy.blogspot.com/ Most recent[28-09-2011]